Sunday, August 26, 2012


Lahir dengan tangisan, esak kegembiraan ibu dan ayah. Membesar dengan kasih sayang, tak lama sebelum semua berubah. Ayah mengajar erti hidup, ibu mengajar erti kepayahan, erti hakikat hidup seluruhnya, agar tabah dalam dunia ciptaan Tuhan, mencari segala bekalan. SK Telaga ara tempat permainan, sebelum melangkah ke alam remaja di SMK Sri Gunung. Membawa diri ke MRSM Kuala Terengganu, berhenti sementara di Bangi, menghirup sedikit ilmu Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia yang dicintai. Mengisi kekosongan hati,serta menambah duka. Mencedok air pengalaman di sepanjang perjalanan, sebagai bekalan jika dipanggil Tuhan. Air pengalaman yang dicedok bercampur dengan kelodak-kelodak kegusaran, bersama buih cinta yang sementara, serta bermacam-macam apungan kemanisan dan pahit hidup. Semua memberi sedikit pedoman, erti hidup dan kepayahan sebetulnya. Hati yang tercalar membuatkan ia menjadi tegar, kuat, kukuh, seperti tiang seri utuhya. Mencari yang hakiki, yang pasti. Melata di bumi Tuhan, dengan bekalan yang terus disimpan, moga berjumpa kebahagiaan di hadapan, agar dapat dikongsi bersama teman.


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

gulai kawah

Heat oil in a kawah, fry slice garlic, shallots until fragrance, do not forget the blend ginger and galangal mix well in the heated oil. When all the mixes are browning, throw some star anise, cinnamon bark, and other mix spices, fried well before mix in the curry powder that already been blend with some water and other spices. Again, stir the mixes until the paste cook. Do not to forget to put salt, sugar, and tamarind in the special spice and taste it.
Slice the beef, put in the kawah, put the spice paste and mix it well. Stir, so the meats do not burn and the spice equally mix with all the beef. Let it simmer and the meats will release it juice. When the meats juice is reduce, mix in coconut milk, keep stirring until the meat is cook and soft. Put in some slice shallots, and stir again. Adds some salt, sugar, and tamarind juice to the gulai kawah and taste it. Make sure the taste is balance and the meat is cook.
Serve it with plain hot rice with some fry dries fish, some sambal belacan, acar timun, and water melon...damn it is good...
Looks like simple to make some gulai kawah, but the process is not as easy as flip of fingers, it takes years to make the best gulai kawah, we must choose the right curry powder and mix it our self with some other spice. We also need to know how to treat the gulai kawah when something bad happen such as to many salt, the meat do not soft as we wish and other...there also some secret ingredient that we put in to add some kick to the gulai kawah...
And how i know how to make gulai kawah? My dad teach me and i’m still learning...